Prove customers that TotalEnergies enables them to decrease their energy bill by 10%
TotalEnergies has more than 5 million customers and is the first alternative energy provider in France. The energy market has become very competitive (= price-driven) and it is very important for TotalEnergies to prove its value to its customers in a concrete way.

Our results
engaged customers
activation rate
savings made by customers
Help TotalEnergies
customers in their daily life
thanks to advice and tips which help them to better control their energy consumption and reduce their bill by 10%.
Launch of a relational engagement program
thanks to our technology where we prompt customers
to realize playful energy challenges to lower their daily consumption. Customers can also share tips and advice with the community. Our conversational CRM maximizes activity and repeat on the platform.

4 steps to create a relational engagement program

Identify how your brand creates daily value to its customers
Launch a playful program with concrete advice and challenges to realize and share
Embody your CRM to maximize activity
Monitor KPIS and gradually open
to the rest of the customers basis
A scalable collaboration !

Sophie Charvet
Marketing Project Manager

Nous cherchions à accompagner pendant 6 mois un panel de clients pour accélérer la réduction de leur consommation d'énergie. Teeps nous a aidé à monter la communauté via la plateforme et a imaginer le programme d'animation éditorial.
Très positif ! Les économies d'énergie ont été au rendez-vous et nous proposons maintenant la communauté à tous nos clients.
Account manager
Our technology proves to be very efficient for every kind of community and industry. As long as the brand creates value for their customers, we can create a relational program that wins long-term loyalty.

Our 3 tips
Value how your brand creates daily life value
for your customers
Leverage gamification
to activate your community
Don’t forget CRM
as an activation tool complementary
to tech tools

You too have a project ?
Leverage engagement data for a long-term and sustainable marketing strategy